Residential Solar Powered Products & Information


DIY Solar Powered Projects

Alabama Solar Power Information


State of AL Solar Resource Map

Worthwhile Investment Save Energy - (WISE) Up to $750 dollars in instant rebates for energy related home improvements.  Program applies to those in Shelby & Jefferson counties.

Nexus Energy - Receive a rebate of 30%, up to $3,000 dollars on the cost of entire solar project.  Must live in one of the following counties to be eligible: Cullman, Jefferson, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Morgan and Shelby.

ADECA - (Alabama Department of Economic & Community Affairs) State of AL energy codes.

Clean Energy - (US Dept. of Energy) Solar and other renewable power resource maps, energy projects / activities and statistics.

 DSIRE AL - (Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency)  Contains tons of great info for consumers thinking of buying or installing systems.

Green Power - Utilities where you can buy green power in your state.

Alabama Power - Information regarding various aspects of solar energy.

EIA - Quick solar energy facts, data and analysis for the state.  They estimate that AL is sixth in the nation, as of 2010, in power production from renewable sources.  Hydroelectric makes up 79% of it.

Solar Association - Organization founded in 1990 that seeks to educate its members, government, businesses and the public about the opportunities & benefits of utilizing solar power.

TVA Nuke Facility

Wind Powering America - Residential & commercial wind potential resource maps.

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