Residential Solar Powered Products & Information


DIY Solar Power


Hawaii Solar Power Information


State of HI Solar Resource Map


With high utility costs on the islands, residents are encouraged to seek power produced in more economical and sustainable ways.  There are several federal, state and local sponsored programs to assist home owners with getting solar power systems installed.  Below are a few links to help get you started saving money and the environment.


HSEA - (Hawaii Solar Energy Association)  Non profit comprised of businesses and individuals that promotes the use of solar technologies to residents of HI.


Clean Energy Initiative - State program that lays out the states future regarding clean, renewable power sources.



DESIRE - Database of tax credits, rebate and government incentives for installation of solar electric generation.


State Energy Office - Information about energy programs and items relating to power usage in HI.


Buy Green -  Purchase electricity from utilities that produced it in sustainable ways like wind, sun and water.


Clean Energy DOE -  US department of Energy provides resource maps, statistics and policy info.


Solar Hawaii - Website is mainly geared toward connecting people to certified solar contractors.  Does contain some other useful data and news.


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